Please follow these instructions for 14 days after the procedure to improve and prolong the results of your tattoo. If you don’t follow these instructions, it can greatly affect your tattoo results or put you at risk for infection or scarring or loss of pigmentation! 

  • • No exercise for 14 days. After 14 days – when exercising, wear a sweatband to avoid sweat on brow area.

    • Do not expose treated area to direct sunlight. After healed (30 days), use a sunscreen to avoid fading from the sun.

    • No makeup should be applied directly on the tattoo during the healing process. After the tattoo has healed (14 days, OR after the scab/skin flakes off) you may wear makeup at that time.

    • No other products should touch the tattoo during healing, other than the mild soap and the after care balm.

    • Do not touch, rub, pick or scratch your tattoo following treatment or during healing process.

    • For eyeliner and lips – swelling may peak the next morning – keep salt intake to a minimum.

    • If you are planning a chemical peel, or any other medical procedure, please inform therapist of the procedure you have had. Procedure should only be done once the healing process is complete.

    • If you are due to give blood after the procedure, please inform your nurse about the tattoo treatment you have had as this might alter the results.

    • Do not sleep on your face as much as possible in the first 4 weeks of healing. You will accidentally rub the tattoo while you are sleeping and may affect your retention. Use a fresh pillowcase

  • 1. The day of your tattoo: Blot your brows with the sterile water gauze provided once an hour for 5 hours to avoid lymph buildup. DO NOT TOUCH THE TATTOOED AREA OTHER THAN CLEANING.

    2. Day 2 - 5: Clean your brows morning and night by lightly dabbing your brows with a damp paper towel or cotton round.

    3. Day 5 – until you finish scabbing: You may add soap to your cleaning routine. Unscented/gentle baby soaps are the safest. Dilute your soap and cleanse by doing very gentle circles on the brows, rinse and blot dry. Do not use any cleansers with Alpha hydroxy acids.

    4. Healing balm – Will be provided. You may add it to your routine on DAY 5 after cleansing to dry CLEAN brows. Using a clean q-tip, you may very sparingly apply a very thing application of aftercare balm when brows are itchy or dry. Do not apply too much healing balm as it can trap moisture and take off more pigment.

  • 1. The day of your tattoo: Blot your eyeliner with the sterile water gauze provided once an hour for 5 hours to avoid lymph buildup. DO NOT TOUCH THE TATTOOED AREA OTHER THAN CLEANING.

    • Eyes may vary from slightly puffy to swollen, heavy lids; light sensitive and possibly bloodshot. Sleeping in a slightly elevated position can help to reduce any residual swelling of the eyes. After you leave, ice packs can be applied for 10-15 minutes each hour for the first 4-8 hours to help reduce swelling and provide comfort. After the first 24 hours, the use of ice packs is no longer beneficial.

    2. Day 2-3: Clean your eyes morning and evening with VERY GENTLE dabbing using a damp cotton round or paper towel and allow the area to completely dry. DO NOT RUB – this can cause pigment migration.

    3. Day 4-7: Continue to clean your eyes very gently morning and evening. You may very sparingly apply the healing balm provided or aquaphor using a clean q-tip in a VERY GENTLE dabbing motion. You may notice the top layer of skin will begin to flake off during this time – do not pick or rub the eyes.

    4. Do NOT use contact lenses for 72 hours after your eyeliner tattoo.

  • 1. The day of your tattoo: Immediately after the procedure, gently dab your lips with the sterile wipes provided and apply a very light layer of ointment provided in your aftercare kit with CLEAN fingers or a q-tip. DO NOT TOUCH THE TATTOOED AREA OTHER THAN CLEANING.

    • Your lips will be swollen following the procedure. Sleeping in a slightly elevated position can help to reduce any residual swelling.. After you leave, ice packs can be applied for 10-15 minutes each hour for the first 4-8 hours to help reduce swelling and provide comfort. After the first 24 hours, the use of ice packs is no longer beneficial.

    2. Day 2-10: Gently DAB (not rub) a light layer of ointment several times a day for 10 days to keep your lips moisturized. Your lips will be dry and crusty for the first few days. Shedding will generally begin on day 3 and take a few days to complete. Do not pick, peel or pull the skin.

    3. AVOID soups, citrus, greasy, salty and spicy foods for the few days. These foods can cause irritation.

    4. Cut foods into smaller pieces and rinse away food on the lips with cold water. Do not lick and bite lips during healing process.

    5. Use a straw when drinking liquids.

    6. BRUSHING TEETH / SHOWERING: Avoid getting lips wet - apply ointment before and after brushing teeth. Do not use whitening toothpaste.

    7. Do not expose lips to direct sunlight/tanning beds. They will be prone to sunburn while it’s healing which can change the color and cause scarring.

    8. Do not smoke or kiss for at least 10 days

    9. Avoid laser treatments around the lips. They can turn them black in color due to the pigments used. Always let your laser technician know you have permanent makeup on your lips to prevent a situation from occurring.

    10. Lips will be darker immediately after the tattoo then go through a peeling phase. They will be very light at first then slowly darken over the course of the next few weeks. Evening out color may take 2-3 sessions depending on your skin. It is always better to take our time and not irritate/damage the skin to create the best results.